AAA Games Copyright Notice

Copyright subsists in the various forms of work and subject matter on and accessible from AAA Games world wide web sites, online shops, e-commerce platforms and e-products.

Including but not limited to:

Apart from fair dealing permitted by the Copyright Act, 1968, AAA Games grants users a licence to download and display such copyright material that is available for PRIVATE and NON-COMMERCIAL purposes only.

For reproduction or use of the copyright material beyond this limited licence permission must be sought and received in writing from AAA Games for use of any relevant original HTML Code, WWW page or pages, diagrams, data, logos and registered symbols.

That permission, if given, will include a requirement that the copyright owners name, and all interests in the material be acknowledged, when the material is produced, quoted in whole or in any part.

AAA Games reserves the right to revoke any permission given. On doing so all AAA Games copyright material and information will be removed from all web sites, all material and all e-information products within 7 days.

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